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Swagelok Alaska

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Advanced Tube Bending

Instructor teaching student

Swagelok Advanced Tube Bending Training

Too much pressure can break your tools or cause a bad bend. You want to apply pressure in the right place to the right extent. This advanced course teaches different methods of tube bending for both simple and complex offset bends. Use both hand and benchtop tube benders as you learn practical tube bending techniques.

What You'll Learn:

  • The measure-bend method of tube bending
  • How to make segmented bends and rolling offsets
  • The Swagelok method of tube bending
  • How to make both simple and complex offset bends by using hand and bench-top tube benders

This class is ideal for fabricators, installers, technicians, contractors, engineers, and managers.